Eleven Fifty Seven

Eleven Fifty Seven


Eleven Fifty Seven

210 South Lester Avenue
Sidney, OH 45365 | View on Google Maps
Ty Swain Ty Swain
(937) 497-1157 | fax: (937) 497-1155
Connect With Us
1157 designconcepts creates recognition solutions that inspire, motivate and challenge people to reach beyond their imagination. Our vision is to be a market leader in recognition solutions for non-profit organizations nationwide. 1157 designconcepts has been in the custom recognition business for more than half a century, providing innovative recognition solutions that are both creative and customized according to each customer’s specific needs. Currently we are the vendor of choice for more than 2,500 major colleges, leading medical centers and hospitals, museums and other not-for-profit organizations throughout the United States and Canada. Our superior customer service and attention to detail are the hallmarks of our success.
Member Since: 2008